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Welcome to my website! take a deep breath, allow yourself to stay present for a moment, and take your time to read through this site and check out the services, there are no coincidences, you may find what you are seeking, thank you!
About Me
Ana Jost spritual seer

My name is Ana Jost, and I am a spiritual guide and traditional Andean-Amazonian energy healing therapist with roots in Peru. I began my spiritual journey in 2011 and have since gained a deep understanding of the self through inquiry and training with many masters in traditional indigenous teachings, plant medicine, psychedelic therapy, dream interpretation, self-realization, and non-duality.

In 2021, an INTY MUJU a sudden revelation of my true nature and the nature of the universe occurred. This realization has allowed me to tap into an even deeper level of consciousness, and I now enjoy sharing knowledge and insights with others in everyday life and through my service as a Hampykamayuck. 

Both my healing practices and my business,, express my love and respect for my Peruvian Indigenous heritage and my commitment to preserving traditional indigenous art and culture.

Outside of work, I find peace in practicing Allin Kawsay (good living) meditation, gardening, working out, and making crafts. Despite enjoying aloneness, I cherish social connections and value my close relationships with family and friends.

II would like to acknowledge that I live on the traditional territory of the Snuneymuxw first nation, Canada, with my dear husband and our two amazing children. I am grateful for the blessings in my life and continue to explore the depths of my spirituality 


One on one.

energy restoration: This involves working with the client's energy field to remove blockages, balance their energy spots and promote overall wellness.


Rituals and ceremonies: With the use of intention, imagination, and different elements found in nature, old patterns and beliefs can be replaced by new information of love and connection 

Plant medicine healing and integration: I use plants and other herbal remedies to support physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

Spiritual guidance and therapy: This involves listening to the client's concerns and offering support and guidance based on traditional Andean-Amazonian wisdom. and the use of all the healing techniques described above.


Ovomancy,diagnosis and clearing of energy blockages, done through ancient EGG reading technique using a photography of the client.

Divination, I may use tools such as ovomancy, plants, and tarot cards to gain insight into a client's situation and offer guidance.

Spiritual guidance: This involves listening to the client's concerns and offering support and guidance based on traditional Andean-Amazonian wisdom.

Post Psychedelic ceremony integration This is an essential part of healing after the use of psychedelic plants and fungi to help clients process and integrate the teachings and insights gained during the ceremony,

"The universe is perfect, and we are a reflection of that perfection."

- Inca Garcilaso de la Vega

Disclaimer: Ana Jost is not a medical doctor or health practitioner of any kind, she is not a witch, shaman, or guru, and she does not sell or distribute legal or illegal mind-altering substances, Ana Jost offers the services of a Hampykamayuck .
Hampykamayucks offer energy healing services as a complementary approach to conventional medicine. While energy healing can be a powerful tool to support healing and wellbeing, it is not intended to replace medical diagnosis or treatment.

Energy healing works by activating the body's natural healing mechanisms and restoring balance to the energetic system. While many people experience positive results from energy healing, individual experiences may vary. There is no guarantee that energy healing will work for everyone, or that it will provide a cure for any particular condition.

If you are experiencing any symptoms or have been diagnosed with a medical condition, it is important to seek advice from a qualified medical professional. Energy healing should be seen as a complementary approach to medical treatment, rather than a substitute.

By booking a session with me, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this disclaimer and that you accept full responsibility for your own health and wellbeing. You also agree to indemnify and hold me harmless from any and all claims, actions, suits, or proceedings, as well as any damages or costs that may arise in connection with your use of my services.

Let's Talk
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